I broke my glasses last week.It was a Saturday night, my first night back from Singapore. I was on my way to pee and my stuff was everywhere, haven't unpacked yet at that time! I stepped on it on my way out of my room and the metal part that holds one side broke. The glasses in question is a smoked acrylic eyeglass purchased last year. Old, yes, but it still does the job of making me see things clearly.

there is no way I could put it back
(even all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't)
Good thing, Wednesday was a holiday. (15th president of the Philippines Inauguration) I was able to buy a new pair. This time, I wanted a little serious frame. I am 24 years old so something funky wouldn't fit.
slightly bigger, definitely more formal

in comparison, the new one has larger frame

I have been wearing glasses since high school, my friend suggested I try contact lenses but I declined. Too lazy for that!
On a far more greater note, I won yet another pair of movie pass from Power Plant Mall from their facebook account promo. Yay! Got this a couple of days ago and I used up the first one for Eclipse. It was definitely better than the first two twilight movies. More action and some funny lines from their actors.
On a far more greater note, I won yet another pair of movie pass from Power Plant Mall from their facebook account promo. Yay! Got this a couple of days ago and I used up the first one for Eclipse. It was definitely better than the first two twilight movies. More action and some funny lines from their actors.

The passes are valid until September. Wonder what movie should I watch next time? Any suggestions?
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